Electronic Engineering Company

Randal Systems


Randal Systems is an electronic engineering company that was born in Malaga in 2006 as a result of the concern of a group of engineers and professors in Electronics, Computer Science, Telecommunications, Physics, Mechatronics and Naval Engineering, who share their experience for the development of products and services to different professional sectors

Work areas

Currently the company develops its work in the following areas:

Fabricación de equipos para buceo profesional, militar y de rescate

Fabricamos los equipos para el buceo militar, profesional y de rescate que necesites. Material de rescate y reanimación destinado a Cuerpos de Seguridad y Rescate. Fabricación de placas, iluminación y sistemas de comunicación.

Servicio técnico especializado para equipos industriales y subacuáticos

Nuestros profesionales expertos en equipos industriales y subacuáticos te ofrecerán el servicio técnico especializado que necesitas.

SAT de robótica submarina y microelectrónica

Construimos robots submarinos que operan por control remoto (ROV) totalmente operativos. Máxima precisión gracias a la automatización basada en robots. Asesoría y consultoría sobre robótica submarina y microelectrónica.

Desarrollo de productos de ingeniería a medida

Nuestro equipo multidisciplinar de ingenieros electrónicos aborda todo tipo de proyectos con máxima garantía. Nos esforzamos en conseguir productos a medida que entreguen un valor diferenciador al cliente.

Desarrollo de proyectos de innovación subacuática

Lleva a cabo tus proyectos de I+D+i en tecnología submarina de la mano de Randal Systems, empresa comprometida con la Investigación, el Desarrollo y la Innovación en el ámbito submarino. Siempre a la vanguardia en tecnología submarina.

Last generation technology

The range of technological resources that we have allows us to offer competitive solutions with a high degree of innovation and performance.
Electronic Engineering Company


Equipped with the instruments and equipment necessary for all phases of prototype development as well as the manufacturing line.

Electronic Engineering Company


Where the viability of the project is certified, and the industrial design, circuit simulation and necessary software are developed.

Electronic Engineering Company


Where we carry out the manufacture and assembly of the product, subjecting it to the relevant quality tests.

Multidisciplinary methodology

Based on innovation, professionalism and direct contact with the client

Our values

In Search of Excellence


Our Know-How and experience in the development of products and solutions to different professional sectors, make Randal Systems provide simple solutions to complex problems, thus reducing development times and the final cost of the product.


We use a wide range of tools and advanced technological resources, with which we manage to provide projects with the flexibility and competitiveness they need.


All the materials and parts used in the equipment developed and sold have the necessary certifications for their conditions of use.


PRE-SALE When we receive a request for a quote, the technical team studies the real needs of the client, and advises him, offering him the best solution under the premise of value for money.

AFTER SALES Once the product has been delivered, the customer receives all the documentation and training necessary for its correct operation, remaining at their entire disposal for any questions or maintenance / repair operations.

Some of our customers

Maritime Rescue and Safety Society, InstalSub Profesional Diving, Repsol, Spanish Navy, Nareser, UME Military Emergency Unit, Geas Civil Guard, Instalsub, Reprosu, Nitrox underwater work, University of Malaga, Ute tunnels abdajis, Fugaqua, Cardio people, Ferralfaim